Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thursday Evening

Today, which started with departures yesterday, went very well.  It looks like we a wonderful team with a great attitude and spirit.  After we settled into our rooms we went to the United Methodist mission and we're served a good breakfast with scrumptious breads and fruit.  We then had a tour of the mission facility meeting people and learning what they do.  We then went back to our rooms and took some naps and organized our rooms.  It was warm, upper 80's and sunny.
Oh, we stopped at a pharmacy to see if they had distilled water for some medical devices.  A few of the team told the pharmacist that the milk they were buying was going to the women's prison to help feed the young children who are incarcerated with their moms.  He was moved and donated a bunch of bibs to share- a sign of God's grace for all.
We have air conditioning and some fairly nice rooms with stiff foam beds.  We headed back to the mission and had a late lunch of fish, rice, fruits and vegetables before starting work on reorganizing the 550 lbs of pharmaceuticals and equipment for the clinic tomorrow.  It took all 11 of us 3 hours to make all the preparations we could make before supper call.  The largest task after sorting was prepackaging the vitamins and certain meds into easy to handout ziplock bags and press labeling them for people who can't read. 
Supper was at 9:00 pm and was a nice warm sandwich with meat and fries in the bun.  We are all ready for a good night's rest after being up for nearly two days.  Better rest now.  Midnight here.
Paul A

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it safe and sound. Prayers and good thoughts being sent your way.
