Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Wednesday, 27 Jan 2016

Hello everyone! Greetings from Sebeponty, Senegal!

Our day began with a delicious breakfast, consisting of eggs, ham, freshly cut cheese, and french bread (and our staple, cafe au lait). I must say, there is no way I'm coming home any lighter than I was prior to leaving. After finishing our breakfast, we packed the van and headed to our 5th clinic of the trip. This one was particularly touching to me--mostly because of the children we encountered.
The first child was early in the day--she came to the clinic with open, infected lesions covering her entire body. She had tinea capitus on her head, and impetigo covering the rest of her body, which is a staph infection of the skin that spreads easily and quickly all over the body. She just plain and simple looked like she didnt feel good. The little girls father pulled one team member aside and asked her if she would take his daughter back to the United States with her. I'm not a parent yet, but it brought tears to my eyes. Could you imagine feeling as though you can't give your child a better life--feeling so helpless that you're willing to give your child to a complete stranger to take to a different country because that life would be better than the one they're living now? I don't even want to imagine a life like this and I'm willing to bet none of you do either. On a more positive note, the team provided her with antibiotics and medications (as well as coloring books) for a full recovery! :)

We had another boy that came in towards the end of the day whom was very ill. His family walked hours from their home to get him seen by a doctor. He had a high fever due to a large tooth abscess. His family has not had access to Health care; thus, what is typically an easily treatable problem has spiraled into a much bigger issue. The entire right side of his jaw was inflamed and the infection has now spread into his ear. He was the last patient we saw today and again, was provided antibiotics and supportive medications for a full recovery.

After packing up, we watched the children play soccer in their little field, and passed out coloring books to the ones that were present. I have truly never seen a smile so big from a gift so small. God has an amazing way of giving you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. Today (and each clinic day for that matter), he gave me a view of people that truly need blessings. Seeing their appreciation, generosity, and unconditional love has been so much more of a blessing than I could have ever asked for, and one I will be forever thankful for.

Katy McKinnon
RN from Columbus, Ohio

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